By Jim Robbins
This is the place for the Jesus-apprentice who is unconventional and wants to leave the well-rutted road and go off trail. We’ll be exploring a range of topics that help us go off trail, developing what David Epstein calls, “Range,” or the “habits of mind that allows us to dance across disciplines.”
We’ll be creating depth through breadth; where lateral thinking (“dancing across disciplines”) will develop more discerning Jesus-apprentices who hear outside their echo chambers, look for what’s missing, and develop their attuned perception.
Why Does This Matter?
There’s too much near-sighted tribalism in the Church— closed-off subcultures that regurgitate only the mantras and memes of their spiritual superiors.
This prevents us from experiencing the multi-faceted wisdom of God across the broad expanse of his Kingdom. It prevents us from having “range” and repertoire.
Recovering what’s missing
Other Kingdom outposts are experiencing surprising things we’re not; and we could miss that because we’re stuck in formula and familiar.
Going off-trail will give us access to those things we’re missing. It will bring us deeper, by going wider. As we do this, we’ll develop our “range” as we go off-trail with our Guide.
More articles to come!